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What Are Some Attic Insulation Installation Errors That A Professional Will Never Make?

Know about some mistakes regarding installing insulation in the attic that a novice may commit.

You should do something more with the attic space rather than randomly store goods. These days most homeowners are insulating the attic and you must give it a serious thought. There are plenty of benefits to gain once you have installed insulation in the attic. The temperature variations normally felt in the living space disappear and the interiors are comfortable cozy. It puts less pressure on the AC unit functioning and as a result, your energy bills will see a drastic decline. The interiors of the living space also become soundproof. The benefits are immense and you must instantly book our professional services for insulating your attic.

Attic Insulation Installation Errors

At Attic Wizard, we insulate attic spaces in homes all over town. One should realize that to insulate this space, you should rely on experienced attic insulation contractors. Insulation installation in the attic is tough and requires extensive knowledge on the subject. Someone who lacks proper knowledge will commit plenty of mistakes and the purpose of insulation installation will not be achieved. We have visited homes; where there has been haphazard work done and plenty of mistakes have come to the forefront. Here are the details for readers.

The use of incorrect materials

One of the first mistakes, which a non-professional will make, is on the material selection. It is common to find attics, which have fiberglass insulation and the reason is perhaps the ease of installation. The first thing, which needs a look at is the R-Value of the material. This value is determined by the capacity of the material to resist heat flow. The higher is the R-Value, the greater is the effectiveness of the insulation. Hence, the person you choose to insulate your attic must have a proper idea of this aspect. This will help in the selection of the correct material for attic insulation. There is also a need to consider the climate before identifying material for attic insulation.

Forgetting to seal air leaks

You must realize that installing insulation in your attic space is only half the job done. There is a need to prevent air movement between conditioned and unconditioned spaces The insulation in the attic is only half the job done and our professional team working on your site will seal more. There is a need to seal every possible air leak. The areas which you must seal are as follows.

  • Outer walls
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Floors

You must not block airflow

A novice insulating your attic will also block airflow. The person is not at fault because everyone is aware that insulation is about sealing the home up. Some places must remain uncovered to allow for airflow. There are homes, which have soffits or eave vents and these are the places, which you must not cover-up. If these spots are covered, the attic area could face humidity and that could lead to other problems.

Is there a need to remove old insulation?

Someone who does know the technical aspects of insulation will not be able to decide on the removal of old insulation. It is not always necessary to remove the old insulation. The removal is only necessary if there is mold, mild dew on the insulation material. If the insulation has been infested by pests or rodents, you might need to remove it. Then, install something fresh to replace the old insulation. However, in other instances, you can install the new insulation over the older material. Are there any asbestos risks in the attic space? If so, then you must only book a professional service for insulation installation.

Working Insulation Contractor

Overstuffing is not good

A person who lacks technical knowhow may also overstuff and once again that is not good. Let us talk about fiberglass insulation and while it is effective, but if you pack too much, the insulation efficiency will take a hit. The air pockets will compress in this scenario. There is a need to understand the correct amount of materials you can install.


A novice insulation installer is bound to make some mistakes. That’s why you must call someone experienced. If you desire we are ready to climb up your attic space and do the necessary insulation installation. We will execute the job professionally.