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Which are the Best Insulation Materials that You Should Opt For?

Learning which are the perfect insulation materials that you should choose to install in your attic or crawl space for effective weather-proofing.

There are various types of home insulation materials suitable for attics or crawl spaces. Your choice depends on factors like ventilation, budget, and existing materials. Consider whether to maintain or change materials for improved cooling in hot summers. Factors like local climate and average temperatures also influence material selection, especially in rain-prone areas where expert opinions on installation are crucial.

Best Insulation Materials

It also depends on whether you are putting the insulation on a new construction or not. If you are interested of insulating your crawl space, but you are unsure of the right insulation to buy, here are some of the best insulations that you should go for:

Right Insulation material that you should go for

Blanket batts: These are ideal for foundation walls. This insulation is made from a number of materials such as natural fibers, plastic, fiberglass, or mineral wool. You should fit it between beams and joists.

The good side with it is that it’s easy to install; therefore, you can install it even if you have minimal skills. To ensure that it lasts for a long time you should install it in areas that are free from obstructions.

Loose fill: Loose fill cellulose, mineral wool, or fiberglass is blown into place in enclosed wall cavities. The best areas to use this insulation are: in existing finished areas, around obstacles, and in areas that are irregularly shaped.

Inspect Attic Insulation

Concrete block insulation: It’s made from polyurethane, polyunsaturated, or polystyrene. It’s ideal for insulating foundation walls in a new construction or in a major renovation. The insulation is great and gives you perfect results. However, its main flaw is that you need to have masonry skills in order to install it.

Foam board: It’s made from Vermiculite pellets, polyurethane or polystyrene and its ideal when used in insulating unfinished foundation walls. The good side with it is that it’s very thin. Thus, it will take only a small space of your crawl space.

If you lack the skills for insulation installation, it’s wise to hire a certified insulation company. With the expertise, they can ensure flawless installation in attics or crawl spaces without creating any mess.