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Can I Put New Insulation Over The Old Material?

An extensive guide on whether or not to put new insulation over old material that can help in your future project.

Any poorly or improperly insulated attic means an energy-inefficient home, as it is not able to prevent the outside heat from entering the house, thus increasing your cooling costs. Similarly, in the winter months, it is not able to prevent the warm air from escaping the attic.

New Insulation Over The Old Material

Here in California, it is the hot summer that is a big concern for homeowners. So, we at Attic Wizard can help you with the most optimal cooling solution by replacing your attic insulation material. Or put it this way, installing a new insulation over old one. So, is it possible? Of course, Yes! Let’s find out can you put new insulation over old from an expert’s point of view.

How can I add new material over the old one?

As long as your old insulation material isn’t wet, damp, or moist, you can always proceed to add a new insulation cover over it. If your attic insulation has a history or tendency of becoming wet or moist, you first need to inspect and arrest the cause or root of the problem. Before installing a new material, you need to replace the wet insulation, as that can quickly damage the new layer. It can lead to mold, mildew or algae growth. Once you sort out the moisture problem, you’re good to go. You can easily add or put the new insulation material over the old one. Our insulation company experts can help you with the same. As a matter of fact, you need to choose a material that best fits your requirement and weather condition.

Your choices regarding insulation materials that can be installed on top of the existing material are:

Cellulose loose-fill & blown-in
Fiberglass loose fill & blown-in
Mineral Wool loose fill & blown-in
Foam Board insulating concrete forms

Each of these materials has its own pros and cons, as does the method of insulation. Position the new insulation material so that it lies perpendicular to the joists. It’s better to avoid any mistakes rather than having to go back and rectify them. Just because experts recommend adding new insulation material over the existing one, it doesn’t mean it applies in all scenarios. For instance, if the existing material is very old, crumbled, shattered into pieces, sagging, or has developed rot, it’s always advised to remove it. It should also not contain any asbestos material.

Attic Spray Foam Insulation

Can I go the DIY way?

It is certainly not an easy DIY job. Unless you have the requisite skills, know-how, expertise and resources, never try it, as you ought to go wrong. In this way, you have to call an expert to rectify the errors that can be a costly affair. So, always hire a certified contractor for insulation replacement. They will perform the job professionally. Do it the right way. The local contractor would be in a position to understand your energy needs, budget, R-values, durability of the material and health concerns, if any.

We always recommend scheduling an energy-efficiency audit of your home or attic. This makes it easier to identify any insulation problems and take corrective actions. Call us at 877-373-5212 for more information about this particular service.