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  • A Guide On R-Value Of Attic Insulation In California Homes And Its Importance

A Guide On R-Value Of Attic Insulation In California Homes And Its Importance

Understand the recommended R-Value of attic insulation cover for California homes and an analysis of this figure.

Homeowners are today realizing the necessity of insulation cover but simply fail to understand the importance of R-value. Just last week when our team Attic Wizard was discussing R-value with a homeowner seeking attic insulation service, the response was a bit awkward. The gentlemen simply said that he does not understand mathematics. These are some of the weird responses, which we have faced over the years working in the insulation industry.

Guide On R-Value Of Attic Insulation

There are plenty of homeowners who simply do not have any clue about the R-Value. Here is a guide on what this value is and its importance.

What Precisely Is The R-Value Of Attic Insulation?

This value is described as a rating system used for insulation and measures the insulating power. Now, before we understand this value, you must have an idea of how insulation works. The role of insulation is to prevent conductive heat flow and R-Value measures how effectively it has been done. What can insulation with greater R-Value do? This is a question, which our team has had to face on many occasions. Simply, insulation with greater R-Value can efficiently stop heat on its tracks. During the summers when the temperature outside is hot, humid, an insulation cover with good R-Value will prevent the heat from entering your living space. However, if your attic insulation does not have adequate R-Value, the core purpose of keeping heat at bay from the living space will not be achieved to the maximum levels. A lower R-Value attic Insulation is a compromise of the core purpose. There are four factors, which impact the R-Value of any insulation, and here is the list.

  • Density
  • Thickness
  • The insulation type also matters and it could be anything from cellulose, foam, battered fiberglass, or even blown-in fiberglass.
  • The installation position and also the work will have a say in this matter.

A Proper Insulation Installation Should Also Matter

Dense thick insulation installed in the attic will prevent heat from entering the living space. The R-Value necessary may also depend upon the specific insulation variety, which you may have chosen. The installation work may also affect the R-Value. Let us explain to you the detail.

Is your insulation compressed? If the installation has been done by a novice then there is every chance for compression to set in. The R-Value will decrease in such a scenario. Our team has also stumbled upon instances of two layers of insulation quashed together in the hope of a double impact. It is once again the work of a novice and the results are just the opposite.

Your insulation is perhaps installed in the attic and that part has many points, studs. The heat passage through these spots is a lot easier and for that, it is important to have adequate insulation along with proper R-Value for this space.

Understand The Recommended Attic Insulation R-Value For California

As a responsible insulation contractor, it was our objective to tell you that R-Value for insulating a home in California is vastly different from that of Alaska. Let us now talk specifically by saying that your city falls in Zone 3. It means that the insulation cover installed in the attic will require an R-Value anywhere in the range of 30 to 60. If you want a more specific answer feel free to communicate to us your specific location and our team will arrive at your place for a more thorough check.

Ready Attic Insulation

Why Is It Necessary To Have A Proper R-Value For Your Attic Insulation?

The attic is a place, which you climb up once a year and perhaps around this time because Christmas is around the corner. This could make you a bit inquisitive on whether it is necessary to have a proper R-Value for the attic insulation. We would like to say yes or else the living space could turn into a furnace during summers. A correct R-Value will also put less pressure on the AC unit and it helps to increase its life span. Your home energy bills will see a downtick and this is cash saving.


We have discussed about the R-Value for insulation and there has been focus of its importance in attic insulation. We have stated a broad figure for R-Value in regards to attic insulation in California. If you desire our professionals will arrive at your place and give a more thorough figure necessary for your attic insulation cover.